Bright and Pure

Wishing us all a new year ahead that offers the possibility of more alignment with what we would like to do, bring and BE.   

When I took a short visit to my family in Germany last week we where blessed with beautiful snowfall. Everything looked so tranquil, peaceful, bright and clean.  Sometimes mine was the only track on woodland walks. 

It made me think of the words pure and purification.

We know of and witness the purification process of our Earth at this time.  Outwardly it may and does often look like chaos; our experience does tell us that when we do a thorough clean dirt has to come to the surface.        

We can assist the greater purification process by simply taking a rest on occasions, breathing out, putting ourselves into the vibrational field of gratitude even though we might experience upsets, stress, illness and more.  By being still things settle, shift and often we gain an inner strength that leads us to making more informed decisions. 
Further, a very effective way to aid purification is by not bringing "the old stuff" (things that do not yield) into a pure new day. Instead giving them a rest with a compassionate blessing will allow us to see each day afresh.      


Breathing With Nature